The Privacy Fence model is one of our bestsellers especially, in the European Market. Thanks to its full construction gives private atmosphere in your garden and all home area. Depending…
Mid-trellis Fence
The Mid-trellis model was created with dimensional different WPC panels to provide a wider range of consumer experiences. There are the spaces between some panels which let the sun…
Full-trellis Fence
In the Full-trellis model, we use 90mm thickness panels. This kind of fence system is relevant for customers which pay attention to the esthetic looking fence. Full-trellis fulfills the need…
Woven Fence
In Woven Fence model we curved the panels to make them flow like waves. This model has become especially popular in tropical climates. Woven Fence model lets the customers feel…
Lattice Fence
Model Lattice Fence is very popular in Europe and Asia. We designed another line Lattice Fence which is different from the other lines for our Customers who look for some…
Carven Fence
Combination of metal and WPC panels this is the best description of Carven Fence model. The artistic part can be made both in WPC material and metal. There are many…